Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Big Happenings

Lots of exciting stuff going on with Ericka Fields Photography--I like to refer to my business in the 3rd person...makes me feel much more important. Anyhoo, I have been working with a web designer (a very talented Casey Barrett) for a face on the Information Superhighway. It's a long process--which I was completely unaware of--and an extensive decision-making process (which we all know I am terrible at---don't even THINK about giving me a menu!). But so far, it's coming along. It's only a one page start-up for the time being; once I make my mind up it'll be much more clickable.

I'm really undecided about the logo and have been working on creating a new one. I did this one as part of a project in class in '06. It needs something, but I just don't know what. Be looking for something new and improved shortly.

I'm getting ready to start my busy season (wedding season) and am looking forward to the first wedding this year. Amanda and Brett--she's a cute-as-a-button bride-to-be and am excited about working with them both. This will be the first wedding that a pet (specifically their dog, Harley) is incorporated into, so I think that will add a level of fun to their big day! They will be shooting some engagement pictures with me once the weather breaks (which apparently isn't today!).

Can't wait!! Each shoot is like Christmas for me...except without all the After Eating Guilt and Uncle Bob snoring on the couch.